
MWI District & Municipal Court Mediation Debrief Form

FROM:  Clarice Parsons, Court Program Coordinator, MWI
TO:  MWI District & Municipal Court Mediation Panel

Dear Mediators:

This form provides a structured space to reflect on your mediation and observation experiences. It’s a helpful resource for those who are just getting started in MWI’s District & Municipal Court Mediation Program, as well as those who are looking to build more awareness around their mediation skills and practice. You can choose to submit information anonymously, though anyone working towards joining the panel will need to include their full name in order to receive credit for the debrief. All responses will be sent to me, and you can choose if you’d like to follow up on anything with a debrief phone conversation.

Thank you so much for volunteering your time to this program! If you have any questions or prefer to speak directly, please contact Clarice Parsons at courtmediation@mwi.org.

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